Computer Fairs About NITEX>
Computer Fair = Everything you need under one roof right up to the latest cutting edge technology including…
Software,Processors,Coolers,Motherboard,Memory,Hard drives,Graphics,Cases,Floppy,CD Readers,CD Writers,SCSIHost,SoundCards,Modems,Network,Monitors,Mice,Keyboards,Capture,Devices,Printers,Speakers,
Blank Media,Joysticks,Cables,Adaptors,Accessories,Inks,Paper and even complete New & Used PC’s.
Many thousands of people visit computer fairs week in and week out, the reason for this is the massive savings the public can make on high street prices.
Some people are ‘wary’ of computer fairs, thinking that for some reason they are not going to receive the same standard of goods/service that they would in a high street store, this is simply not the case. Typically vendors at computer fairs have their own wholesale/retail/mail order businesses and are just offering goods or services at more realistic prices than the large retail outlets for an example visit our Links page.
Computer Fairs are organized for all computer users, from the complete beginner to the business user expert.
The admission charged at the door is necessary to cover such (costly) overheads as venue and promotional costs and without it we would not be able to offer this level of service.
Generally speaking you can find just about anything computer related from a full multi-media system to the smallest nuts and bolts, so be it new or used PC’s, cables, software or peripherals you won’t be disappointed in the choice or the price.
See You There !